I’ve always thought that we are mysteries, even to ourselves.
We often don’t know what we truly want or what we are capable of. When we can’t see or imagine the possibilities for ourselves, it’s easier to fall into moulds and paths that aren’t even our own.
But the signs of a misaligned life are always there - the burnout that comes with doing work that’s unfulfilling; the ache that there must be more to life; the damage it can have on our health and relationships.
I know because I’ve been there. I followed logic over passion into a 14 year career as a lawyer, first at a big law firm and then at two Fortune 500 companies. I became an expert in my field and worked with good people, but it didn’t satisfy me on a soul level.
It was my ‘dark night of the soul’ that brought me into alignment.
Following a painful and unexpected divorce in 2015, I decided to explore who I was beyond a lawyer and a mom. Astrology had always captivated me as a teenager, so I dove deep into that world again. It felt like learning a new language, and quickly became more intricate and fascinating than I had ever imagined astrology could be.
Being faced with the truth in my chart was deeply affirming, and at times confronting. I learned, for example, that I had quite a bit of Fire in my chart that I hadn’t let myself express. I also learned that knowing our chart is one thing, embodying its highest expression is quite another.
I was so invigorated by astrology that it became my fuel as I balanced my day job with my studies in astrology, human design and coaching. The first time I gave an astrology reading, it felt so incredible to connect with a stranger in such an intimate, life-changing way. In my 14 years as a lawyer, I’d never felt so lit up. I knew this was my calling.

These days, I get to do what I love full time - using astrology, human design & coaching to help others live a soul-aligned life, so that they too can access all the joy, abundance & fulfillment that’s meant for them.

Work with me
Astrology & Human Design
I help individuals and teams unlock the potential in their birth charts and human design, so that they can create more impact, meaning and success in their lives and work.
1:1 coaching journey
Soulful Success
Whether you’re a professional who wants to transition into a more meaningful role or career, or an entrepreneur who’s ready to expand into her greatest work, this journey will support you astrologically, emotionally, and strategically to realize your soul’s mission.

a bit more about me…
My Chart
I am a 1/3 Emotional Generator. My Libra Sun enjoys harmony and beauty, my Aries Moon and Aries Rising push me to be brave and bold, and my four Scorpio planets need emotional depth and an exploration of the mysteries of life.
My Lineage
I am Chinese-Peruvian, and I speak Spanish. My grandfathers emigrated from China to Peru, and my parents were born and raised in Peru. I come from a long line of immigrants and entrepreneurs, and I grew up in San Antonio, Texas.
My Loves
While astrology is my first love, I also grew up with a passion for dance and writing short stories (one of which won a national competition!). My favorite movie is “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”, oh, and I can’t resist cute cat videos!

Marla Tseng is an astrology and human design coach, and the founder of Many Worlds Many Possibilities LLC. She guides professionals and entrepreneurs to uncover the wisdom in their birth charts, so that they can realize the extraordinary life and work their souls are meant for.
A lawyer of 14 years, Marla bridges the professional and spiritual worlds, bringing a grounded, strategic and deeply human approach to her work. Having experienced first-hand the many worlds and possibilities that can open up once we unlock the secrets of our astrological and energetic blueprints, Marla is on a mission to empower people with the knowledge, insights, and motivation they need to transform their lives.
Interned and worked as a Mentor at the Debra Silverman Astrology School
Graduate of the Debra Silverman Astrology School
Certified by the Rebecca Gordon Astrology School
Certified by Astro Butterfly
Level 3 Certified Quantum Human DesignTM Specialist
Sacred Depths Coaching Practitioner
Worked as an attorney for nearly 14 years at an Am Law 100 firm and two Fortune 500 companies
Graduate of Bryn Mawr College
Graduate of The University of Texas School of Law