
astrology & human design

Discover the codes to success written in your birth chart.

1H30MIN | $250

Birth Chart Astrology Consultation

Your birth chart is perfect for you and what you came here to experience. We will explore your entire birth chart in-depth, including your gifts and challenges and how you can make the best of both.

1 hour | $175

Human Design Consultation

We will explore your unique bodygraph and what it reveals about how you can thrive in your life, including how your energetic operating system works, how to make the correct decisions for yourself, and how you can make the best of your gifts and challenges.

1.5 hour | $215

Career Astrology Consultation

Do you wonder what type of work would make you feel lit up and fulfilled, or whether you have certain gifts or talents you may not be aware of? Your birth chart can provide you with these valuable insights. This is an exciting opportunity for us to explore your birth chart from the perspective of career and calling.

custom pricing

Team-Building Events

Have you been looking for a fun and creative way for your team to build camaraderie, trust, and work more effectively as a team? By using astrology and/or human design, I can help empower your team through valuable insights about themselves and each other. If you are interested in having me participate in a live or virtual event with your team, please contact me directly.